from Germany, Berlin - active in Kenya, Mombasa
Ghetto Children Hope & Solidarity Project
Founding Year: 2014
Country of Origin: Germany
Home Town of Association: Berlin
City / Country of Activities: Kenya, Mombasa
Name off Contact Person: Ann Kaugi Martha
Mailadress for Contact:
To be the best children’s home in the provision of professional, holistic and integrated quality care to vulnerable children in Africa
Who we are
Ghetto Children provides life-saving care and a loving home for needy children in Kenya. Ages newborn to 23, the children live at Ghetto Children until they are self-reliant.The only one of its kind when it was founded in 2017, Ghetto Children offers life-changing comprehensive medical, nutrit
What we do
Ghetto Children hope has given needy children a chance to enjoy life again. It offers them the needed support to make their lives better. With qualified personnel ghetto is a source of hope for the children in the country.
Our Mission
RESCUE abandoned and other
Our Vision
To be the best children’s home in theprovision of professional, holistic,and integrated quality care tovulnerable children in Africa