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Ethiopian World Federation

from New York City, USA - active in Ethiopia

Ethiopian World Federation

Founding Year: 1937

Country of Origin: United States

Home Town of Association: New York City

Country of Activities: Ethiopia

Name off Contact Person: Bishop G. Eveta Morrison (Sister Gem Askale Mariam)

Mailadress for Contact:

Redemption, Restitution, Repair, Reparations, Repatriation

EWF Inc. ordained Harlem 1937 by Emperor Haile Selassie I for We, the Black Peoples of the World- Unity Solidarity Freedom Self-determination Justice, the Integrity of Ethiopia, our Divine Heritage; Reparation Repatriation Protection from Annihilation

“We, the Black Peoples of the World, In order to effect Unity, Solidarity, Liberty, Freedom and Self-determination, to secure Justice and maintain the Integrity of Ethiopia, which is our Divine Heritage, do hereby establish and ordain this Constitution for The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated.”

The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated (The “EWF” or the “Federation”), is a not-for-profit membership organization, incorporated in New York City in 1937, which holds Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations.  It is a tax exempt 501(C)4 Civic League, Social welfare organization having non-profit 501(C)3 status as well. The organizational structure provides for child entities (Locals) functioning to carry out the organization’s Aims and Objects on a grassroots level in their resident domains. The Locals provide the membership base and function through several committees and units each having their own responsibilities – youth, health, education, housing, women’s issues, music, ways and means etc. Any 25 qualifying members can submit a request to form a Local in their community.

EWF Projects

In addition to providing for the protection and welfare of the Black Family worldwide, the organization also has a responsibility to develop the Land Grant to facilitate a coordinated repatriation effort for those in the Diaspora who have a desire to return to Africa to claim their divine heritage. Registered as an NGO with the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, there are three (3) main projects registered with the government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia designed to raise the standard of living of repatriating Ethiopians and the local indigenous population as well:

(a) a Rain Water Harvesting Project (providing concrete water tanks to the local population). With more funding we can expand the project to include water wells, water delivery to tanks in times of drought and expanding the project to provide tanks in other regions of Ethiopia and Africa.

(b) a comprehensive Vocational Training Institute (which includes an orphanage and a natural herbal health teaching agricultural and research facility) and

(c) a Self-Sustainable Model City to be a model for African development. As a project, this is comparable to the development of Israel by the world powers to atone for the Jewish Holocaust. We believe that the African Slave Trade Holocaust qualifies for such development by world governments and agencies.



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