from Germany, Hamburg - worldwide active
Adabu Foundation e.V.
Founding Year: 2016
Register-Number: 23025
Country of Origin: Germany
Home Town of Association: Hamburg
City / Country of Activities: Worldwide
Mailadress for contact:
Instagram: @AdabuFoundation
Supporting Reggae Artists Worldwide
Declared goal of the Adabu Foundation is to provide solidary and financial support to improve the lives of older people, especially elderly musicians.
In 2015, a circle of friends sat around a fire with a fine selection of Roots Reggae music and talked about a petition started by a British lady. Gilly Buckland’s petition aimed to “call on the Jamaican government and those with political influence within the Jamaican music industry to establish a care home with medical and musical facilities to ensure that the foundation artists are able to live out their lives with some much-deserved respect and dignity”.
Even though the petition has not collected a huge amount of signatures, it planted the idea to do something. The idea grew and ripened into a determination to start a foundation that is dedicated to give bac
k to those that have provided us with beautiful music, be it instrumental tracks, vocal diamonds or words of wisdom, since a lot of these veteran artists never received the revenues they deserve for their works.
‘Adabu’ is the Swahili term for ‘respect’, ‘manners’ and ‘politeness’, all three meanings describing the way in which we should approach these foundation artists. Thus, the name “Adabu Foundation” was born. The same circle of friends came together again in 2016 to found and register what is now an officially recognized NGO. And so our work starts!!!